On the existence of reflecting n-queens configurations,
with T. Dai.
Submitted, 9 pages. arxiv:2407.12742.
Thresholds for (n,q,2)-Steiner systems via Refined Absorption,
with M. Delcourt and L. Postle.
Submitted, 17 pages. arxiv:2402.17858.
Clique decompositions in random graphs via Refined Absorption,
with M. Delcourt and L. Postle.
Submitted, 49 pages. arxiv:2402.17857.
Subsquares in random Latin squares and rectangles,
with A. Divoux, C. Kennedy, J. Sidhu.
Submitted, 13 pages. arxiv:2311.04152.
- Based on work done during the Georgia Tech School of Mathematics Summer 2023 REU.
- Slides from Alex's talk in the GT Graph Theory seminar.
The independence ratio of 4-cycle-free planar graphs,
with S. Kolichala, C. McFarland, and J. Su.
Submitted, 12 pages. arxiv:2305.02414.
Solution to a problem of Erdős on the chromatic index of hypergraphs with bounded codegree,
with D. Kang, D. Kühn, A. Methuku, and D. Osthus.
Submitted, 23 pages. arXiv:2110.06181.
Fractional vertex-arboricity of planar graphs,
with M. Bonamy, F. Kardos, and L. Postle.
Submitted, 14 pages. arXiv:2009.12189.
The local fractional Brooks' Theorem,
with L. Postle.
Based on
Optimal spread for spanning subgraphs of Dirac hypergraphs,
with A. Müyesser and A. Pokrovskiy.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
169:507-541, 2024
Perfect matchings in random sparsifications of Dirac hypergraphs,
with D. Kang, D. Kühn, D. Osthus, and V. Pfenninger.
advance online publication.
Fractional coloring with local demands and applications to degree-sequence bounds on the independence number,
with L. Postle.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
169:298-337, 2024.
Improving the Caro–Wei bound and applications to Turán stability,
with L. Postle.
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
358:33-43, 2024.
A special case of Vu's conjecture: Coloring nearly disjoint graphs of bounded maximum degree,
with D. Kühn and D. Osthus.
Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing,
33(2):179-195, 2024.
A proof of the Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture,
with D. Kang, D. Kühn, A. Methuku, and D. Osthus.
Annals of Mathematics,
198(2):537-618, 2023.
Graph and hypergraph colouring via nibble methods: A survey,
with D. Kang, D. Kühn, A. Methuku, and D. Osthus.
Proceedings of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics,
771-823, 2023.
Thresholds for Latin squares and Steiner triple systems: Bounds within a logarithmic factor,
with D. Kang, D. Kühn, A. Methuku, and D. Osthus.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
376(9):6623-6662, 2023.
On the density of critical graphs with no large cliques,
with L. Postle.
43:57–89, 2023.
Hamilton transversals in random Latin squares,
with S. Gould.
Random Structures & Algorithms,
67(2):450-478, 2023.
Bounding χ by a fraction of Δ for graphs without large cliques,
with M. Bonamy, P. Nelson, and L. Postle.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
157:263-282, 2022.
Almost all optimally coloured complete graphs contain a rainbow Hamilton path,
with S. Gould, D. Kühn, and D. Osthus.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
156:57-100, 2022.
Colourings, transversals and local sparsity,
with R. J. Kang.
Random Structures & Algorithms,
61(1):173-192, 2022.
A local epsilon version of Reed's Conjecture,
with L. Postle.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
141:181-222, 2020.
(Extended abstract in Eurocomb '17)
The structure of binary matroids with no induced claw or Fano plane restriction,
with M. Bonamy, F. Kardos, P. Nelson, and L. Postle.
Advances in Combinatorics, 2019:1, 17pp.
Size of the largest induced forest in subcubic graphs of girth at least four and five,
with C.-H. Liu.
Journal of Graph Theory, 89(4):457-478, 2018.
Induced 2-degenerate subgraphs of triangle-free planar graphs,
with Z. Dvořák.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(1):#P1.62, 18, 2018.
Exponentially many 4-list-colorings of triangle-free graphs on surfaces,
with L. Postle.
Journal of Graph Theory, 87(2):230-238, 2018.
Minimum size of feedback vertex sets of planar graphs of girth at least five,
with C.-H. Liu.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 61C:138-150, 2017.
Bounds on the maximum number of minimum dominating sets,
with S. Connolly, Z. Gabor, A. Godbole, and B. Kay.
Discrete Mathematics, 339(5):1537-1542, 2016.